Chocolats Escargots Lait Lanvin

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Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

Avaluacions de clients per a Chocolats Escargots Lait Lanvin

Nombre d'avaluacions: 1
Avaluació mitjana: 5
The best chocolate I have ever had in my life.
des de el 10/01/2021
I have had this chocolate 2 times in my life and I was to young to appreciate it enough. This creamy; delectable; masterpiece, costs $50 to be fully shipped to me in the US which upsets me very much because i sadly am not a person who would pay that much for a couple pieces of chocolate. But i fully insure any reader this product is worth it. I wait every year at christmas time to come see them restock which is my own tradition.

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Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

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Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

Examine també aquestes categories: Nadal Xocolates, SAL I DOLÇ GALETES, XOCOLATES I BOTONS, Caixes de xocolata