Le grand miel

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Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

Avaluacions de clients per a Le grand miel

Nombre d'avaluacions: 1
Avaluació mitjana: 5
My favorite honey!
des de el 01/04/2019
I discovered this honey in Asheville North Carolina. It has become a staple in my pantry. Unfortunately has been completely sold out in the US at every store on the internet, including Amazon. After trying several other highly rated and expensive honeys, I decided to dig a little deeper and found France-Export-FV who would ship it to the US. Surprisingly, if you buy it in a little bit of quantity, it is little more expensive, even after shipping, than Amazon.

I now have the best honey in the world back in my pantry.

Totes les avaluacions són publicades per visitants de la botiga o clients de la botiga online reals i l'operador s'encarrega de comprovar-ne el contingut mitjançant una inspecció visual.

També recomanem

Mini Pots de Miel
24,99 *
Miel de fleurs
8,99 *
Miel à tartiner
5,99 *

Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

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Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

Examine també aquestes categories: JAM I MEL, MEL I DIFERENCIALS