Bret's Indian Curry

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Inclòs IVA : Comunitat Europea

Sem IVA fora de la Comunitat Europea

Avaluacions de clients per a Bret's Indian Curry

Nombre d'avaluacions: 1
Avaluació mitjana: 4
Delicious chips, poorly shipped to USA
des de el 28/01/2019
My wife and I love the flavor of these chips!
We fell in love with the curry flavor when we tried them in Paris.
Now, I will occasionally order some to be shipped to us in the United States, because they are not available in the US.
The last two shipments were packed in thin boxes that didn't survive the trip. Several bags of chips had been punctured, and were stale.
When I contacted France Export about the last one, they refunded an appropriate amount of my purchase, so I am happy with their customer service, and I will continue to order from them in the future.

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